Thursday, December 30, 2010

Make your 2011 Resolutions a Reality!

This year be smarter about what you set out to achieve in regards to your health and fitness goals for 2011. Contemplate what you aspired to accomplish last year, did you succeed? If so, congratulations! What worked well for you? If you did not achieve your goal last year, here are some tips designed to make your resolutions a reality:

  • Pick an attainable (yet still challenging) fitness goal. Don't just say, "I'm going to lose 10 lbs this year." How are you going to do it? 
    • Be specific. Instead, tell yourself that you are going to commit to working out 6 days a week. You have to make it part of your everyday routine, just like brushing your teeth! Give it a try and take it week by week, or even just day by day. Once you get started, and see results you will begin to enjoy and look forward to your next workout.
    • Fit in a brisk walk during your lunch break, or make it an after dinner ritual with a family member, eager dog, or friend. 
    • When given the choice- always take the stairs, and never the elevator.
    • Schedule a workout with a friend and hold each other accountable for not flaking out. You can even go as far as making it a $5 or $10 penalty you pay each other if you cancel. (I bet you will show up more often than not, and you might even make some money while getting your workout in!)
  • Commit to eating better this year. You owe it to yourself to feel better, look better, and perform your work outs or daily activities better. 
    • Start out with baby steps. Ease into adding more fruits and vegetables into your diet. (No one can change overnight, so don't beat yourself up over a slip up here and there, you're human and we have sweet tooths!) 
    • Exchange your breakfast cereal for fruit, trade that lunch club sandwich for a fresh green salad, carry almonds with you during the day when hunger hits for a snack, eat lean meat and vegetables for dinner instead of pasta.
    • Eat smaller portions more frequently and once you start making healthier choices and enjoy a guilt-free indulgence on occasion, you will surprise yourself by craving healthy options naturally.
    • Really listen to yourself, are you eating because you are truly hungry, or are you just bored, upset, or emotional? Intuitive eating and consciously knowing why you are eating is so important for your weight loss results and will banish any post meal guilt.
You CAN do this! Small steps like these will lead to attainable physical results and sustainable daily eating habits to make your resolutions a reality in 2011. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Should I use light resistance and complete high repetitions? or Should I use heavy weights and low repetitions? and which is better?

Should I use light resistance and complete high repetitions? 
Should I use heavy weights and low repetitions? 

This question can be controversial and will likely spark up a debate within the fitness industry and amongst professionals. The answer will differ depending on one's own personal preference and who you consult on the topic. A conventional personal trainer will most likely promote heavy resistance paired with low repetitions. Whereas, other methods like martial arts, yoga, and Pilates tend to favor lighter resistance (if any) and high repetitions. To obtain the best results, make sure to always focus on the quality and form in which the movement is performed. Working out in poor alignment in hopes of lifting more or doing more will only result in injury.

Using a light resistance and doing more repetitions will train the fast twitch muscles and build your strength endurance. This can create a more aerobic type of calorie burn, and is more beneficial on your joints. It will create long lean lines in your muscle development. Most women do not like the 'bulky muscle feeling' they get from heavy weight lifting and will tend to favor this type of workout. If you tend to bulk easily, using light weight (between 3-8 lbs) and lots or repetitions (more than 20 reps) is best for you. Another good rule of thumb is to complete as many repetitions as you can with very good form. Keep in mind- It is all about the quality of your movement, not the quantity. This is why Pilates is such a great choice because it replaces weights with spring resistance technology which creates a lengthening or stretching within the muscle fibers. Many methods like Martial Arts, Yoga, or the Pilates Mat work use your own body to create the resistance.

When you use heavy resistance, you are working the larger muscle groups. Heavy weight training will result in gaining strength rather than creating muscular endurance. If your goal is to increase the size of and build up your muscular structure, then opt for a heavier resistance with low repetitions. This is a favorite among body builders, cross-fit and many boot camp driven methods. Choose a weight that is heavy enough in resistance so you can only complete 10-12 repetitions with excellent form. Again, the quality of the movement and maintaining good form is still a key factor to prevent injury and to correctly complete the work. This is an excellent way to burn more calories efficiently and boost your metabolism when done before your cardiovascular exercise. 

High reps (more than 20) plus low weight = fast twitch muscle fiber or endurance and toning
Low reps (between 10-12) plus heavy weight = slow twitch large muscle groups or strength gaining/building

Bottom Line: both are beneficial, it comes down to personal choice and what you are trying to achieve with your own body. Try both methods and see which one feels right for you. You can always do both within the week. Switch up your method throughout the week and use heavier resistance one day with low reps, and lighter weights the next with many repetitions. This way you will train the large muscles along with the smaller fast twitch muscles to compliment strength with endurance.
Don't forget to pair resistance training with 3-6 days of a cardiovascular workout. You have to burn the fat to even see the toning and the muscle definition results. Also keep in mind, the more muscle you build, the more efficiently your body will burn off fat during cardiovascular exercise and while at rest.

*As with any new fitness program, consult your physician and work closely with a certified trainer. Always listen to your body and if you feel pain during any exercise, stop or modify.

Tired of the gym, New year, New workout! This year you should...

Try a Pilates Reformer Class! and here is why...

Are you tired of your old ‘going to the gym’ routine? The same old weights, treadmill, and elliptical can get boring quickly because of the repetitive and mindless movement. Pilates will get you out of that monotonous cycle and jump start your mind to work with your body.
A Pilates Reformer class can offer many customized exercises to get you out of your rut and on to a better, more balanced body. Certified Pilates instructors are rigorously trained in over 500 different exercises so you will never get bored. Not only that, but just when you think you’ve got it mastered, we make it harder! In Pilates, you can change the smallest detail, such as inhaling instead of exhaling at the point of exertion, to make the exercise more effective, challenging, productive and fun.
A typical Pilates Reformer class is a full body workout that addresses more than just muscular toning. Each one hour session will include strength training, flexibility, abdominal conditioning, balance work, and spinal movement in all planes of direction. You can add a great cardiovascular workout by using the Jump Board at the foot of the Reformer.
Say goodbye to the uncomfortable short, tight and bulked up feeling you get from kettle bells, bar bells and dumb bells. Pilates incorporates springs for resistance rather than weights. The springs are more effective than weights because they mimic the natural contraction of your muscles. The result is improved balance, better postural alignment and a wonderful lengthening sensation.
Pilates can supplement your weight training more effectively, offer variety to help you cross train your activities, prevent injuries, and promote a healthier, more mindful approach to your workout. You can also supplement time on the elliptical or treadmill with a Jump Board session. Next time you grow tired of your same old trip to the gym, switch it up and seek out a Pilates Reformer class.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Chocolate Pretzel Recipe for Christmas ...a crowd pleaser!

Save your sanity and your waistline by making these easy Chocolate Pretzels instead of the time-consuming, and calorie filled Christmas cookies and cakes. This dessert is so simple and you can make a ton of them (aka- give them out as gifts, and please a lot of happy mouths!)

  1. Cover a cookie sheet with wax paper and spread out a bunch of Bite Size Waffle Pretzels  
  2. Place 1 Hershey Kiss on top of each pretzel. 
  3. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for about 4-6 min (until the hershey kiss melts and softens a little, it will still have the same shape) 
  4. Take them out and quickly smash down the kiss with 1 M&M (plain or peanut or get creative and use hugs) on top and in the center of each Hershey Kiss/Pretzel. 
  5. Then you let them cool 

They are small, convenient, and satisfy that chocolate salty craving! It sure beats the alternative of eating a slice of cake, pie, 
or cookies.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Tips to get through the Holiday Season!

The holidays can be a hard time to follow your clean eating rules. There are so many temptations with all the family gatherings and company Christmas parties. But you can still end 2010 being fit and healthy without derailing all the hard work you put in throughout the year.

Here are some tips to help you through:

  1. Before you pop that next sugar cookie in you mouth- stop and think, "would I eat this on a 'normal' day?" or "am I hungry or am I just eating cause I'm bored or just because it's there?"
  2. Fill up on fruits and veggies first and then eat all the other stuff in small portions. Just a taste of that potato salad will satisfy the craving while allowing you to eat it and enjoy it, but not go overboard.
  3. Pass on the Egg Nog! Drink LOTS of WATER! It will help fill you up and keep you hydrated throughout the day. You may not even be hungry when you think you are- being thirsty can disguise itself as hunger.
  4. Get in a cardio workout. Take a brisk walk, go for a jog, dance around the living room to your favorite tunes. Getting your blood pumping will keep your body (and your mind) tuned in to your fitness routine and keep you on track to feeling great.
  5. Enjoy and savor this time with family and friends. It is what the Holidays are all about!
And remember- don't beat yourself up if you happen to slip up here and there. Your body is smarter than we give it credit for. If you overdo it- your body will naturally not be as hungry the next day in order to regulate correctly. (if you are in tune enough to listen!)
Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

We tried it and lost 10 lbs!

Recently, my fiance' was told by his doctor to cut out all carbs in his diet. He needed to lower his triglycerides. WHAT!? No whole wheat bread, no brown rice, no pasta, OMG... you've got to be kidding me. I love bread! We also eat a lot of brown rice as a side to our fish, chicken, and veggies for dinner.

So I decided to buckle down and try to do this as well. EEeek! All through November, I put myself on this challenge of cutting out all carbs and dairy. I cut out dairy because I wanted to see if it had any effect on my allergies. I get constant ear aches at least once a month, and I've been told that it could be related to dairy foods.
The result for me: I lost 10 lbs! and not only that, but I feel so much better.
The result for him: He also dropped weight and lowered his cholesterol dramatically!
How did we do this, you ask? We adopted a diet high in fiber and protein, low in sodium and fat, increased our cardio workouts to 6 days/week rather than 2-4x/week. And limited that lovely glass of wine to only 2 nights per week.
Our meals would be something like this:
Breakfast: 1 cup of Kashi Cereal with 1/2 cup of Almond Milk
Morning Snack: an apple with 1-2 tablespoon almond butter (so good!), or celery sticks with peanut butter 
Lunch: Grilled Chicken Breast (without any marinade) Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots (steamed or raw)
Afternoon Snack: Kiwi or 1/2 of an Avocado or a small handful of raw organic almonds (unsalted)
Dinner: Grilled Wild Caught Salmon, Steamed Asparagus, Roasted Beets

I had always thought that we ate fairly clean and healthy, but now having really cleaned up our diets, I'm no longer craving any more of the bad foods. Don't get me wrong, I love foods like Panini Sandwiches, Pizza, Calamari, Chips, Cookies, and Ice Cream... but now I eat those in much more moderation than ever before. Seeing the results is inspiring and it will also introduce you to foods you have never tried before or even knew that you liked. Example: I had no idea that I liked Beets or Halibut. 
In addition to discovering new foods, I realized that the taste of food just the way it is- without drenching it in sauces or dowsing it in salt, actually tastes pretty darn good!
Try it for yourself, even if you just commit to doing it for 5 days, or a full week, taking small baby steps into it will make the task ahead seem less daunting. Here is a great article from Livestrong to show you more ways to cut out carbs in your diet.

Today is Joseph Pilates Birthday!

Happy Birthday Joe.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Do this now!

It's time to whittle away your waist! Especially after the Thanksgiving holiday. This side plank will have you working your obliques, hips, arms, all while challenging your balance and building a stronger core.

Lie on your side, stack your feet on top of each other. Place your elbow under your shoulder and press into the elbow making sure to lift up and out of your shoulder. (no sinking).Your body should be in a long diagonal line. Also make sure your booty isn't sticking out behind you, think of drawing your tail bone down toward your heels.
Lower your hips down about 3-5 inches, but stay hovering over the mat. (don't touch the ground).
Use your waist & the power of your hips/torso to press back into the diagonal line.
Perform this 25 times on the right and then do the left side. Once you get stonger, increase your reps up to 40. Your waist will thank you :)