Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bride to Be Workout Tip

The Pilates Roll-up
Let's hit the Mat and learn the Pilates Roll Up Exercise.
Lie down on the mat with your arms and legs extended.
Reach your finger tips to the ceiling and prepare with an inhale.
On your exhale, look at your toes and bring your chin toward your chest as your hands come down in front of you.
Roll all the way up, moving and articulating one vertebrae at a time off the mat. (If you have trouble, bend your knees and plant your feet firm into the ground, or hold behind your thighs to help you in the beginning.)
Stack your spine up tall at the top as you sit, (practicing good posture)
Then roll all the way back down. Keep energy reaching out your legs (if they are extended) in opposition of your roll down. Try to get each vertebrae to move into the mat. Move slowly and don't use momentum. (that's cheating!)

Notice which places you feel stuck, or have difficulty moving through. This is where there is a weakness in your core. To overcome it, move back and forth and hold for three full breaths pulling your navel in deeper. This will help strengthen that particular spot and then the next time you try this exercise, it will be easier.
Complete 8-10 full roll up and downs. Too Easy? Increase the reps to 12-16

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bride to Be Tip

So you are trying to be on your very best eating behavior to fit into that gorgeous wedding dress. I get it! But we all crave something sweet every now and then after our meal. Here is a great idea for a little dessert that will be a hit with you and your honey, and best of all it's guilt free!

"If you deprive yourself of all the things you crave, you will eventually splurge and be worse off than if you had just given in for a small taste here and there."

(Via theAbsDiet)

Yep, it's still a diet. The ice cream gives you calcium and protein with only a modest amount of fat and refined sugar. Indulge and enjoy
1/2 cup reduced-fat chocolate or vanilla ice cream
1/4 cup berries of your choice, slightly crushed
1 tablespoon chopped nuts of your choice
Starting with the ice cream, layer the ingredients in a small bowl.
Makes 1 serving, Double the recipe for your sweetie!

Need a few ideas to curb that sweet tooth during the day?
Try these little ideas that won't throw you off the healthy eating track. Everything in moderation!
1 chocolate pudding cup
3 mini York Peppermint Patties 
3 bite-size Snickers 
½ cup reduced-fat ice cream

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bride To Be

ah hum... Friendly reminder... don't forget to take time and enjoy each other's company.
Where and when? Easy... Make the everyday things more meaningful and exciting!

  • Get sudsy and take a shower together ;)
  • Go for a  brisk walk together after work 
  • Cook dinner together once a week and enjoy a glass of wine while sharing the highs and lows of your day
  • Go on a picnic this weekend! Surprise him and pack some sandwiches

These simple things will have you spending more quality time together and may even spark some deep intimate conversations. 
What do you enjoy doing together? Do you make date nights to stay connected?

Bride to Be Tip